How do I use Sick Leave?
Pretty much anything can be used as a reason to be sick. There are some exceptions and there are times when you can require a doctor’s note. If an employee wants to use sick leave it is best to look over the entire list of acceptable reasons. On pages 5 and 6 of the Oregon Sick Leave law it reviews valid sick leave. You can also discipline employees that “abuse” this policy. An example would be taking sick days before any holiday to extend time off. Once again, review the law before taking action.
If an employee calls in with a questionable sick leave please contact Cardinal for assistance.
What do I do with unused Sick Leave?
Rollover of Unused Leave
Once again there are two options:
1. Rollover – Employers can allow the employee to shift 40 hours of unused leave per year to the next benefit year. Rolling over 40 hours of leave means the employer can cap leave at no less than 80 hours per year.
2. No Rollover – An option with paid sick leave. Large employers may choose to not allow the rollover 40 hours of leave but this requires the employer to pay out any unused sick leave at the end of the year. Large employers will likely not opt to pay out leave as it will probably be more costly.
Disclaimer: The Oregon Sick Leave Law is very new and may undergo further revisions. For example, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries still has to set rules to put the law into effect. Please check back with us periodically as we will endeavor to update this site with new information when it becomes available. Cardinal is providing this page as a guide to human resource best practices. The content of this website is not intended to be legal advice.