Monthly Archives: January 2020

Expanded Pregnancy-Related Accommodations

Beginning January 1, 2020, Oregon employers with six or more employees must provide pregnant job seekers and employees with reasonable accommodations for a wider array of pregnancy related medical conditions. Under this new law, employers must provide reasonable accommodations for any known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, or related medical conditions. Some common accommodations include: Equipment or worksite modifications More frequent or longer breaks Assistance with manual labor Work schedule or job duty adjustments […]

W-4 Form Changes: Goodbye Exemptions

The 2020 Form W-4 is very different from previous versions. This is due to the federal tax law changes that took place in 2018. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is not requiring all employees to complete the revised form and has designed the withholding tables so that they will work with both the new and prior year forms. Employees required to use the new form: Those hired in 2020 Anyone who makes withholding changes during […]