TELEWORKING: Productivity tips for working remotely.
During this challenging time, employees are now being asked to work from home. Here’s a list of tips that can help both employers and employees be more productive when working remotely.
During this challenging time, employees are now being asked to work from home. Here’s a list of tips that can help both employers and employees be more productive when working remotely.
Client questions on Oregon school closures & parental sick leave – the Oregon Sick Leave Law does apply to public health emergencies! Gov. Kate Brown has announced that all K-12 public schools in the state of Oregon will be closed Monday, March 16th through Tuesday, March 31st, in an effort to slow the spread of Coronavirus. The school closure announcement comes just after Gov. Brown’s Executive Order #20-25, which prohibits large public gatherings with more […]
Oregon’s sick time law specifically covers absences during a public health emergency [Allows all employees to earn and use up to 40 hours of protected sick time each year.] It is an unlawful employment practice to discipline and/or terminate and employee for using protected sick time. Closure of the employee’s place of business, or the school or place of care of the employee’s child, by order of a public official due to a public […]
The Oregon business community has been asked to share how the current health crisis is impacting their businesses … In order to meet the threshold for federal small business assistance, Oregon businesses need to come forward and tell their story. Please share any impacts COVID-19 and the rule changes associated with this crisis, have impacted your business. Please send your stories and examples of economic hardship to your local Chamber of Commerce. […]
Here are some “safe practices” that can help you and your employees Cardinal Services acknowledges the worry and the many questions on employers’ minds with the arrival of the Coronavirus in the Pacific Northwest. We want to share some best practices that can help you and your employees during this ongoing health challenge. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Rules on “Safe Workplace” Under OSHA, employers do have a responsibility to maintain a safe workplace, […]