Mandated by law in 1998, employers are required to notify the Office of the Attorney General when an employee is hired or rehired. Penalties do apply.
Mandated by law in 1998, employers are required to notify the Office of the Attorney General when an employee is hired or rehired. Penalties do apply.
We will create checks automatically for deductions like child support, student loans, wage garnishments or third party benefit plans complete with appropriate agency names and identification numbers.
TOTALTAX provides you with a comprehensive tax filing service. When given the appropriate information we accept responsibility for accurate and timely payroll tax reports, returns and payments. You get security, reliability and copies of our work for your archives. When you sign up for TotalTax we will also verify your federal tax filing status and all of your federal payroll related tax ID numbers and rates.
Cardinal calculates your employee’s payroll checks, from gross earnings to net pay.