Paid Leave Oregon for Employers? 

All Employees have access to Paid Leave Oregon and many of our employers pay themselves as employees. When you, as an employer AND employee need leave, you may qualify for the Paid Leave Oregon program. Leave reasons include family leave, medical leave, and safe leave. For example, if you become the caregiver to a sick loved one or have a newborn.  Employers who pay themselves as employees of Cardinal have access to this program!


Criteria to Qualify for PLO 

  • To qualify for PLO, you earned at least $1,000 the year before you apply for benefits 
  • To notify Cardinal that you are taking leave, email your HR Team at 


If I become my own employee, will taking PLO raise my rates?  

The most common question that comes up is whether taking PLO increases your rates. The short answer is no. The longer answer is that all employers are pooled in Oregon, so all employers pay the same rate regardless of how often the leave is taken. 


Consider these other benefits of being both an employer and an employee:  

  • Access to Benefits: When you make yourself an employee, that makes you eligible for employee benefits! When you expand your company’s employee benefits package, you, too, will be eligible to participate in those benefits. An example of this is to consider implementing a Cafeteria 125 plan where you and your employees can put aside tax-free money to spend on medical care or participating in a group health plan.  
  • Access to Retirement Plans: All employees working with Cardinal have access to a retirement plan, like a 401(k) plan. Cardinal can help structure your 401(k) to allow you, the employer, to contribute as an employee. 


Expand your benefits package with Cardinal!  

We now offer an affordable group health plan, besides offering multiple retirement plans that fit your needs.  


Want to become your own employee? Let us show you how! 

Email your Cardinal HR Team at for more details!