Mental Health

Promoting Mental Health Awareness at the Worksite 

Steps Employers Can Take to Promote Workers’ Mental Health  Employers can promote awareness about the importance of mental health and stress management through a combination of workplace health programs, HR benefits, and employee education. Research has shown that these programs are successful, especially when they combine mental and physical health interventions with actual worksite activities. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention [CDC] has a website devoted to helpful resources for employers. Here is a […]

May 2022: National Mental Health Awareness Month

After the last two years of pandemic living, many people are realizing that stress, isolation, and uncertainty have taken a toll on their well-being. This newfound realization has led to an emphasis in addressing mental and emotional health issues within the workforce.    MENTAL HEALTH IMPACTS US ALL  As mentioned by the Whitehouse Briefing Room: “Proclamation on National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2022:”     “Even before the pandemic, millions of Americans were experiencing stress, trauma, anxiety, […]