Politics in the Workplace

Politics in the Workplace: That Govern Employee Political Speech and Activities 

In this election year, media platforms are buzzing with heated political discussions, candidate interviews, and an endless stream of news stories centered around the upcoming presidential election. There are increasing reports from employers that political discussions and disagreements are spilling over into the workplace.  Most private-sector employees are unaware that the constitutional First Amendment right to free speech applies only to government employees, not to employees working for a private business. Government employees have protection […]

Politics in the Workplace: Giving Employees Time Off to Vote 

As a small business owner, you are required to offer employees different types of paid or unpaid time off, but do you need to give employees time off to vote on election day?    Currently, there is no federal law requiring employers to give workers time off to vote.  With Election Day coming up on November 5, 2024, employers need to be aware of state laws that guarantee workers time off to vote. While there’s […]

Politics in the Workplace: How to Manage Political Discussion in the Workplace 

With the presidential election approaching, many workers will participate in political discussions in the workplace. While sharing business information, ideas, and news of the day with colleagues helps build camaraderie, it’s important to remember that an employee’s primary responsibility is to do the work they have been hired to do. This means that spending working time on debates about non-work topics, including politics, should be kept to a minimum to ensure productivity in the workplace.    […]