Social Media

Using Social Media to Screen Prospective Employees

What every employer needs to know before you Google that name  Tempted to Google that job applicant’s name? It’s easy, free, and you get immediate results. Whether you can really use those results, well … that’s another story!  Type a person’s name into an online search engine, and you might pull up a video from YouTube, a profile on Facebook, photos, and many other pieces of information that can instantly create a “social resume” for that […]

Monitoring Social Media to Protect Your Business

Feedback or Backlash?  Have you recently seen or been told about a negative comment directed at your company on social media? Or read a nasty comment on Facebook from a disgruntled customer about the lack of good customer service or a bad review about one of your products?   What starts as a single negative comment in a simple post from a community member can quickly turn into a problem. To ignore a negative posting is […]