
Five Tax-Time Employee Perks

Offering tax filing help can relieve workers’ stress and provide a unique advantage for out-recruiting the competition! Everybody hates doing taxes. Filing a tax return—whether state or federal—without some kind of help is stressful. More than half of U.S. adults who file tax returns (57%) find the do-it-yourself approach nerve-racking, according to a study conducted by The Harris Poll for Fast Company magazine. Hardly a surprising statistic to any of us!   What if employers […]

Employee Retention Tax Credit

You may have received advertisements where an unknown company will get you up to $26,000 per employee. Just file with them and you will get free money from the government. Seems too good to be true? Well yes and no.   Yes, you can get up to $26,000 per employee in the form of a refundable tax credit but you should be wary about using an outside source. The Internal Revenue Service has issued a […]

W-4 Form Changes: Goodbye Exemptions

The 2020 Form W-4 is very different from previous versions. This is due to the federal tax law changes that took place in 2018. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is not requiring all employees to complete the revised form and has designed the withholding tables so that they will work with both the new and prior year forms. Employees required to use the new form: Those hired in 2020 Anyone who makes withholding changes during […]