Veterans Day

Veterans Day is Saturday, November 11th 

What OREGON Employers Need to Know to Stay Compliant with Labor Regulations     Veterans Day is a Federal Holiday  Currently, four states in the U.S. require employers to give their employees who are veterans time off on Veterans Day (November 11th). Those states include Oregon, Iowa, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.    Request for Veterans Day Off  Employees who are veterans (as defined by Oregon law) and are scheduled to work on Veterans Day may request […]

What Employers Need to Know about Veterans Day

Veterans Day is Sunday, November 11th –   Request for Veterans Day Off: Employees who are veterans (as defined by Oregon law) and are scheduled to work on Veterans Day, may ask for that day off. These employees must provide 21 days’ prior notice of their intent to take that day off by October 21, 2018, and document their status as a qualifying veteran.   Request Consideration Upon receipt of this request, an employer must […]