Monthly Archives: January 2016

How to Retain Your Best Employees

Employees are an often overlooked investment, one which requires regular maintenance to keep them in “good working order.” Competitive pay and benefits is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to keeping your employees engaged and satisfied in their jobs. How do you maintain your investment? Consider creating an employee retention program. Studies show that employers benefit from strong employee retention programs. An effective employee retention program saves you time and money by […]

Tricky Oregon Sick Time Questions – 1

What about employee’s that work for family? ‘Employee’ does not include – an individual employed by that individual’s parent, spouse or child.   What if the ‘Employer’ fluctuates between less than 10 and more than 10 throughout the year? They have a minimum look back period of 20 weeks. There are special provisions for new employers who may not have been in business for 20 weeks. Connect them with HR for more clarification.   Can […]