Monthly Archives: April 2016

Company Dress Codes – How Far Can You Go?

We have all worked in establishments that required some type of dress code. A dress code is obvious anytime you go to a chain fast food restaurant and look at the employees in their matching polos and khakis.  But how far can employers go in their dress code requirements? Let’s start out at the most basic level of responsibility, a requirement that is called the General Duty Clause. An employer has the responsibility to provide […]

Summer Employment of Minors

With summer approaching, many business owners receive requests from friends, family and employees to offer summer employment to minors. It’s a great way to help the younger generation gain some real world work experience and provide them with their first job. But providing that “summer job” to a minor is no longer a simple matter. There are real-world restrictions and regulations that all employers must know under Oregon and federal laws.