Monthly Archives: January 2023

Upskilling Your Employees

Transforming good workers into great workers = business success! The #1 employer complaint these days is “I can’t find good workers.” The challenge is not just finding a talented staff but, even more importantly, keeping the ones you have! In a tight labor market, retaining and engaging your existing employees saves you time and money.   Hiring VS Upskilling Costs Average cost of hiring a new employee* = $10,000 – $15,000 Average cost of upskilling […]

Want more workers? Tell Your Company Story! 

Why do I want to work for your company?    WHAT’S A COMPANY STORY?  In a tight labor market, when your company is competing for a limited number of job applicants, you want to let potential employees know why your company is worth working for!   Your “company story” is not just a history of how your company came to be, or even what it does to make money! Your company story needs to be a […]