HR News

Politics in the Workplace: How to Manage Political Discussion in the Workplace 

With the presidential election approaching, many workers will participate in political discussions in the workplace. While sharing business information, ideas, and news of the day with colleagues helps build camaraderie, it’s important to remember that an employee’s primary responsibility is to do the work they have been hired to do. This means that spending working time on debates about non-work topics, including politics, should be kept to a minimum to ensure productivity in the workplace.    […]

Regence Customer Service is Your Friend!

Save time, money and avoid surprises when you call Regence Customer Service Unless you are an expert in deciphering all the minutiae in the multiple pages of your health plan documents or when trying to find out which provider is in what network or how the provider will bill—a phone call to Regence’s customer service will get you all the information you need to get more control over your medical care. Get a quote on […]

Paid Leave Oregon for Employers? 

All Employees have access to Paid Leave Oregon …and many of our employers pay themselves as employees. When you, as an employer AND employee need leave, you may qualify for the Paid Leave Oregon program. Leave reasons include family leave, medical leave, and safe leave. For example, if you become the caregiver to a sick loved one or have a newborn.  Employers who pay themselves as employees of Cardinal have access to this program!   […]

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Changes Form I-9 Expiration Date to 2027

 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has extended the expiration date for Form I-9, which is used for employment eligibility verification, to May 31, 2027.    Note on Form’s Version Dates: The current form version is dated Aug. 1, 2023. Depending on when a form was accessed, the form may have an expiration date of either July 31, 2026, or the newly extended May 31, 2027.  Both version dates of the form are acceptable until July […]

New Federal Overtime Rule Challenged 

You might have read Cardinal’s recent Employer Alert ( that the U.S. Department of Labor [DOL] is changing the minimum salary thresholds for ​employees that are exempt from overtime​. The published deadlines for the change in salary thresholds are as follows:    July 1, 2024:   The salary threshold increases from $684 per week [$35,568 per year) to $844 per week [$43,888 per year).   January 1, 2025:   The salary threshold increases to $1,128 per week [$58,656 […]

New Federal Overtime Rule

Department of Labor Increases Salary Requirements for White-Collar & HCE Exemptions  Implementation Deadlines: First phase on July 1, 2024 | Second phase on January 1, 2025    The U.S. Department of Labor [DOL] announced the Final Rule: Restoring and Extending Overtime Protections. The final rule amends the Fair Labor Standards Act regulations by increasing the salary threshold required for executive, administrative, and professional exemptions [referred to as white-collar exemptions). The final rule does not make […]

Five Tax-Time Employee Perks

Offering tax filing help can relieve workers’ stress and provide a unique advantage for out-recruiting the competition! Everybody hates doing taxes. Filing a tax return—whether state or federal—without some kind of help is stressful. More than half of U.S. adults who file tax returns (57%) find the do-it-yourself approach nerve-racking, according to a study conducted by The Harris Poll for Fast Company magazine. Hardly a surprising statistic to any of us!   What if employers […]

POLICY REVIEW 2024  | The California Privacy Rights Act 

If you employ workers or do business in California, here is a brief review of the recently updated California Privacy Act.    What is it?  The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) provides comprehensive regulation of the personal information (PI) of California residents. PI includes any “information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household.”    Who does […]

Governmental Affairs Alert: Information on the US Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 

Cardinal Services continues to focus on employment-related laws, new court cases, and regulatory changes that impact our business community. While the news about FinCEN is not directly employment-related, some employers could be subject to this new reporting rule. However, the new FinCEN reporting requirement has not been well publicized, but we think it is universal enough to inform you on this topic.    FinCEN is the new Beneficial Ownership Information that requires some companies to […]