My Employee Tested Positive for CORONAVIRUS – Now What?

COVID-EXPOSURE FAQ Here is a list of immediate steps you can take to manage when an employee, customer, or worksite visitor tests positive for coronavirus or when a staff member is ordered to self-isolate due to possible exposure: Inform your management team immediately. If you are a small business, management may just be the business owner. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] has a webpage that offers the latest information concerning small businesses […]

Face Covering Required for Indoor Public Spaces Starting July 1st.

Guidance for all employers, employees, and the public. ·  Mask Guidance (for all counties) – Info on which businesses must comply, guidance on face coverings, and OSHA information for customers and visitors. ·  “Masks Required” Sign for Businesses – Downloadable sign to print for public display. ·  Face Covering Facts – Printable flyer for face-covering tips. · Reopening Guidance FAQs – Mask and Face Covering Guidance for Business, Transit, and the Public (Updated 6-10-2020

Phase I Reopening Concerns and Considerations

The recent implementation of Phase I reopening in Oregon may have brought about changes in your operations. You may have, or may be planning to re-open your business, or deciding to let the general public in your front doors. As we get used to the new normal, Cardinal would like to highlight some concerns and resources. You may have already viewed and addressed some sections so feel free to skip ahead to the relevant one(s).

Employees & Coronavirus Testing

Clarification update on testing issues for employees.  Testing for Coronavirus  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently released guidance on testing job applicants and returning employees for coronavirus. Employers may screen job applicants for the Coronavirus after making a conditional offer, but before an individual begins working, provided that all employees in the same job category must be subject to the same examination requirement.  EEOC Hiring Guidance also states:  Employers may delay the start date […]

Employer Update: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Here are some “safe practices” that can help you and your employees Cardinal Services acknowledges the worry and the many questions on employers’ minds with the arrival of the Coronavirus in the Pacific Northwest. We want to share some best practices that can help you and your employees during this ongoing health challenge. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Rules on “Safe Workplace” Under OSHA, employers do have a responsibility to maintain a safe workplace, […]