
Five Tips to Keep Your Employees Happy 

Employee Retention Checklist Besides competitive compensation and benefits, here are five best practices employers can embrace to keep their staff happy and keep them from looking for another job. The current labor shortage has companies competing for workers, and business owners must be aware of what their own employees want in an employer, and what motivates them to stay at their jobs.     Five Factors for Happy Employees  For the past 10 years, the Society […]

Using Social Media to Screen Prospective Employees

What every employer needs to know before you Google that name  Tempted to Google that job applicant’s name? It’s easy, free, and you get immediate results. Whether you can really use those results, well … that’s another story!  Type a person’s name into an online search engine, and you might pull up a video from YouTube, a profile on Facebook, photos, and many other pieces of information that can instantly create a “social resume” for that […]

Employees Who Refuse to Return to the Workplace

Consider granting a “Leave of Absence” for workers too scared to come back to the office  UPDATED 4/29/2021 The threat of contracting COVID-19 is a serious fear for many employees and must not be underestimated nor belittled. Many employees are reluctant to return to work or return to the worksite. What are the legal alternatives to helping those employees, while maintaining the viability of your business?  Can A Refusal to Return to Work Be Grounds […]

Employee Benefit Trends for 2021

Good news, not all trends are pandemic related!  Many of the 2021 employee benefit trends are related to employee issues that have arisen due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as accommodating employees working remotely and keeping employees healthy and productive during these challenging times.  While some of these benefit trends will fade when the pandemic does, others may become the “new normal” in employee benefit programs.   According to a 2019 Employee Benefits Survey administered by […]

Employees & Coronavirus Testing

Clarification update on testing issues for employees.  Testing for Coronavirus  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently released guidance on testing job applicants and returning employees for coronavirus. Employers may screen job applicants for the Coronavirus after making a conditional offer, but before an individual begins working, provided that all employees in the same job category must be subject to the same examination requirement.  EEOC Hiring Guidance also states:  Employers may delay the start date […]