Yearly Archives: 2020

Face Covering Required for Indoor Public Spaces Starting July 1st.

Guidance for all employers, employees, and the public. ·  Mask Guidance (for all counties) – Info on which businesses must comply, guidance on face coverings, and OSHA information for customers and visitors. ·  “Masks Required” Sign for Businesses – Downloadable sign to print for public display. ·  Face Covering Facts – Printable flyer for face-covering tips. · Reopening Guidance FAQs – Mask and Face Covering Guidance for Business, Transit, and the Public (Updated 6-10-2020

The Payroll Protection Program is back … again!

On June 5th, 2020 a third Payroll Protection Program (PPP) was signed into law. The first PPP ran out of funding after two weeks and the second devoted more money to the program. This third iteration gives employers greater flexibility on how to spend the funds AND how to get those funds forgiven. Here are some key takeaways:   Loan Forgiveness Expansion If you wanted the loan forgiven, the original law gave borrowers 8 weeks to spend […]

Payroll Protection Plan – Loan Forgiveness

It is fair to assume that most small businesses took out a PPP loan with the plan to have the loan forgiven. Many looked at the ambiguous requirements to get the loan forgiveness and concluded that it was too good of a deal to pass up and it was anticipated that forgiveness details would be cleared up by the time small businesses were ready to make the request of lenders. Late on May 15th, 2020 […]

Phase I Reopening Concerns and Considerations

The recent implementation of Phase I reopening in Oregon may have brought about changes in your operations. You may have, or may be planning to re-open your business, or deciding to let the general public in your front doors. As we get used to the new normal, Cardinal would like to highlight some concerns and resources. You may have already viewed and addressed some sections so feel free to skip ahead to the relevant one(s).

Employees & Coronavirus Testing

Clarification update on testing issues for employees.  Testing for Coronavirus  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently released guidance on testing job applicants and returning employees for coronavirus. Employers may screen job applicants for the Coronavirus after making a conditional offer, but before an individual begins working, provided that all employees in the same job category must be subject to the same examination requirement.  EEOC Hiring Guidance also states:  Employers may delay the start date […]

Paycheck Protection Program is Back!

A bill to expand the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has passed the U.S. Senate and is expected to pass the House on Thursday, April 23rd. President Trump has already signaled he will sign the bill, which adds $310 billion funds for the depleted Paycheck Protection Program. There is no need to wait for this funding to get signed into law. You can put in an application now to get in line for these benefits. If […]

SBA Loan Notice

At this time the SBA has loaned out all the money under the Payroll Protection Program. We are leaving information about this program on our web page as we understand Congress is trying to come up with more funding. If more money is appropriated, employers should review changes in benefits to the PPP, if any, as well any new requirements. Cardinal will endeavor to keep you updated.

Latest Clarifications on Applying for a “Paycheck Protection Program” Loan

THE LOAN PROGRAM IS OPERATIONAL  Implementation of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), established by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) has begun. Quite a few employers have applied to financial institutions for this loan and have been accepted into the program. Some of Cardinal’s employers have even already been approved for their PPP loans.  UPDATED CLARIFICATIONS   The Small Business Administration [SBA] is addressing some of the issues that have surfaced during […]

Paycheck Protection Program

WHAT IS IT? The Paycheck Protection Program is designed to as a short-term loan to pay for employee payroll for 2 ½ months, as well as some utilities and rent. If you keep most of your employees after that period, the loan can turn into a grant. See loan for details.  This program is designed to be a bridge to keep your employees employed during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Download program details here.  THE […]