New COVID-19 Compliance Regulation Issued by Cal/OSHA 

Effective Immediately    WHAT’S UP  On October 13th, The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) made significant changes to the state’s definition of “close contact,” and to the potential two-year extension of California’s COVID-19 regulation that all employers must implement. The CDPH changed the definition of “close contact” via an immediately effective order, which will change enforcement for both large and small workplaces in California.    […]

Time to Unmask? OSHA Answers.

Yesterday the Oregon Health Authority released guidance that employers can allow fully vaccinated employees to work without social distancing or a mask (in most cases). That guidance was contingent on Oregon OSHA changing workplace rules. As expected, Oregon OSHA has released a statement in line with the OHA guidance that employers who choose to verify vaccination status of employees may make these changes to the workplace. All other OR-OSHA requirements on COVID-19 workplace protections remain […]

Employees Who Refuse to Return to the Workplace

Consider granting a “Leave of Absence” for workers too scared to come back to the office  UPDATED 4/29/2021 The threat of contracting COVID-19 is a serious fear for many employees and must not be underestimated nor belittled. Many employees are reluctant to return to work or return to the worksite. What are the legal alternatives to helping those employees, while maintaining the viability of your business?  Can A Refusal to Return to Work Be Grounds […]

“No Jab, No Job?” Employer Vaccination Guidelines

COVID-19 vaccination policies are a top concern for employers and employees alike  Should employers require workers to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, as a condition of continued employment? Here’s what the polls say…  Employers are strong on vaccine encouragement, but split on requiring mandated vaccinations for employment. A recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) survey shows a differing opinion among employers.  While 81% of employers strongly encourage their employees to get vaccinated, 55% were uncertain […]


As vaccines become available, workplace vaccination requirements may expand.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has released guidance under federal law that makes it clear that employers may require workers to receive a COVID-19 vaccine – with limited exceptions. This is also true under Oregon law.     Employers may require employees to get a COVID-19 vaccination before returning to a worksite if the absence of a vaccination constitutes a direct threat to other employees in the […]

HR Highlights within the Coronavirus Relief Package

Within the bill to fund the government and provide continued economic relief in response to the pandemic, there are expansions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and an extension of the refundable employer payroll tax credit for paid sick and family leave through March 31st 2021.   Here are the highlights of what employers need to know … 

Thought COVID-19 Was Done? Not So Fast.

Here Are the Latest Updates. Update as of November 12 – Please note that in the draft rules OSHA set, the due date to get your updated COVID-19 plan in place was by November 21st. That deadline has been pushed back to December 21st.  Update as of November 6th – Oregon OSHA has published documents related to these new rules. Click here for the published documents. Note they also have a link to a new […]


After a reasonably quiet summer, Cardinal has seen a recent spike in COVID-19 related issues. Among them, are concerns that employees are contracting the virus outside of the workplace, or have been in contact with positive COVID-19 cases. This has resulted in concerns from co-workers about how, and when these employees can return to work. Consequently, we have also seen a sudden increase in the amount of emergency paid sick leave requests. It appears this […]

Handling Political & Covid-19 Workplace Discussions

Tips on keeping employees’ conversations on controversial topics civil  As employees return to the workplace, there may be heated discussions among co-workers concerning the upcoming elections, current events, or the pandemic. Due to this, arguments and outright hostilities may erupt. If tempers flare during these heated discussions, supervisors will need to know how to handle the situation. To reduce the potential for heated discussions, it is essential to have a policy in place regarding political […]

Back to Work – Employee Safety Concerns on Returning to Work

Get ready to have new policies in place and answer employee questions  Your employees may have many questions and concerns after returning to work. It is your job, as the employer, to address these questions and concerns regarding employees’ health and safety as we face COVID-19. Below is a probable list of questions employees may ask as you reopen your business.