Employee Handbook

Ask HR: Volunteers – Working time & taking calls

Dear HR: I have several staff members that are also volunteer firefighters. If all of them happened to be called to a fire at the same time, I would be so short-staffed I’d be forced to close my store until they return. Am I able to require them to take turns when they get calls?   HR Answer: Employers are generally not required to grant leave for volunteer firefighters of a rural fire protection district. […]

Ask HR: Do I have to offer the same benefits for everyone?

Dear HR, I would like to offer more vacation time and a higher level of insurance to my managers. Is it legal for me to offer different benefit packages to my employees based on their job classification or work duties?   HR Answer: Yes. It is legal to offer your employees different benefits as long as you are not distinguishing between your employees based on a protected class such as disability, religion, gender, race etc. […]

Ask HR: Reoccurring till shortages – Help me get discrepancies under control!

Dear HR, I have been noticing an employee’s register with reoccurring shortages in the $10-$15 range.  Employees start with a new balanced till at the beginning of their shift and no one else has access to the till for the remainder of the day. I do not want to fire them unnecessarily, but I need to get these discrepancies under control!     HR Answer: If you believe that the employee is making an honest mistake on their till, we recommend speaking with […]

Company Dress Codes – How Far Can You Go?

We have all worked in establishments that required some type of dress code. A dress code is obvious anytime you go to a chain fast food restaurant and look at the employees in their matching polos and khakis.  But how far can employers go in their dress code requirements? Let’s start out at the most basic level of responsibility, a requirement that is called the General Duty Clause. An employer has the responsibility to provide […]