Monthly Archives: July 2016

Ask HR: Can I terminate for extended employee leave?

Dear HR, My employee has used all of their family leave and sick time and now he still cannot return to work, can I terminate?   HR Answer: Maybe. You should apply your absenteeism and leave policies to determine if you will allow extra time off. Just remember that absences counted as family leave may in no way count against your employee, or be used as grounds for discipline. Other laws, such as injured worker […]

Ask HR: Do labor laws apply to hiring your own kids?

Dear HR, I would like to hire my 14-year-old daughter to work in my retail store. Is it legal to pay her less than minimum wage?   HR Answer: Yes and No. Yes, you may employ your child—but you must pay minimum wage. Under Oregon Law, parents who employ their own children must still comply with similar rules for other employers such as: Obtaining appropriate BOLI Employment Certificates Complying with the maximum hours and working […]

Ask HR: Do I have to offer the same benefits for everyone?

Dear HR, I would like to offer more vacation time and a higher level of insurance to my managers. Is it legal for me to offer different benefit packages to my employees based on their job classification or work duties?   HR Answer: Yes. It is legal to offer your employees different benefits as long as you are not distinguishing between your employees based on a protected class such as disability, religion, gender, race etc. […]

Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage Hike – Part 5

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival: Employee Retention   Employees are key to the success of your business. Just think how many of your employees interact with your customers, deliver service or sell your product. Once you have taken the time and effort to hire the right people, train and actively engage them, the next step is to KEEP those good employees.