HR News

Ask HR: Payroll Advance vs. Employee Loan

Dear HR, I have several employees that always seem to be short of funds a week before payday and have asked me for a payroll advance. Also, I recently had a long-time employee ask for a loan – with the idea that he can make monthly payments back to me by having my bookkeeper deduct a monthly pay back payment. What are the rules for draws and employee loans?  Are there any issues I might […]

NEW Transit Tax Arriving July 1st

On July 1, 2018 all Oregon employers must start withholding the new statewide “Transit Tax” from each employee’s paycheck. Revenue from the statewide transit tax will go into the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund to finance investments and improvements in public transportation services, except for those involving light rail.   Who exactly will be taxed? • Oregon residents—regardless of where their work is performed. • Non-residents who perform services in Oregon.   Who will NOT be […]

Federal Government Requirements for New Employees

Are you confused by the various procedures required to confirm the legal status of your new employees? Are you overwhelmed by the new hire paperwork that is required when hiring a new employee? Do you know which newly-hired employees are required to complete the Federal I-9 form? Do you know who in your company is completing and reviewing all the forms for your new hires? Are they trained to fill out an I-9 form correctly […]

Employee Handbook vs. Procedure Manual

What is the difference between an employee handbook and a procedure manual? A separate procedural manual and an employee handbook? Seems excessive. This is a common reaction; many feel there is already too many required forms and paperwork in employing workers. Cardinal’s basic employee handbook has grown by 1.5 pages per year in the last 15 years. Due to the current level of complexity, separating out your company procedures and handbook is a necessary best […]

Legislative Alert: Employer Penalty for Employees Enrolled in Oregon Health Plan

The Oregon House of Representatives recently introduced House Bill 4105 which would require employers to pay a monetary penalty if an employee enrolls in the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). The OHP extends Medicare to more people than the federal law requires; this is a legacy of a former governor trying to be innovative in delivering better health care to more of those in need. The OHP is a significant portion of the Oregon’s budget—a budget […]

Early Registration ERISA troubles

According to the law, Employers statewide must register a retirement plan with the State of Oregon on the state mandated schedule. Recently OregonSaves, the state-run program has announced they are opening registration to all employers ahead of schedule. But just because you can sign up early, should you?    When OregonSaves was created, the Oregon Treasury obtained a waiver from ERISA requirements from the United States Department of Labor.  ERISA is the Federal law governing […]

Oregon Sick Leave Update: Accrual Capping

When the Oregon Sick Leave Law was unveiled there were several parts of the law that were unclear. The short timeline between passage of the law and the effective date meant the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) had to rush out Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs). Unfortunately, the OARs did not address all of the uncertain parts of the law. Senate Bill 299 was passed to try to help clarify some items of concern. […]

OregonSaves – Final Rules for Co-Employment

OregonSaves is the new savings plan employers must implement if they are not offering a qualified retirement plan to employees. The new law mandates all employers must offer employees access to a retirement savings plan. If there is only one employer, the requirements are clear. For clients who co-employ* with Cardinal Services, the new mandate had the potential to be more complex. Not to worry – Cardinal has your back! Here’s how co-employment and the […]

Battle Clause: Santa vs. the Establishment

Santa Claus. Some of us dress like him.  Many of us have even sat on his lap.  Almost all of us have seen him—and in the coming month, he’ll be everywhere during this time of year. He’s BIG.  He also evokes a range of emotions in our diverse culture. Some people fondly recall memories of family holiday celebrations with the big man while others are focused on the religious meaning of the holiday season.  For […]

Implementing an Unlimited Employee PTO Policy

The Latest in Paid Time Off Trends Unlimited PTO is just as it sounds, unlimited. Of course, nothing panics supervisors or management more than the thought of employees spontaneously choosing NOT to work! Unlimited PTO should be thought of as scheduled vacation time. Time off for vacations is planned and scheduled with a supervisor’s buy-in. If the employee has to complete a project by a deadline, then their vacation is planned around that need with […]