HR News

2023 Update on National Caregiving Laws 

Excerpted from AARP Newsletter  Though the federal government does not require private employers to offer paid family leave — the Family and Medical Leave Act allows up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave annually—while some states have enacted legislation to create mandatory family leave insurance programs to provide money for caregivers and new parents.  Why it Matters [Statistics from Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and U.S. Census]  50 million people in the United States […]

Supporting Employees Who Are Caregivers 

WORKFORCE RETENTION  Amid the pandemic and the subsequent labor shortage, many employers realized how much personal responsibilities—like caregiving duties—can impact hiring and retaining workers.     THE CAREGIVER DEMOGRAPHIC  According to the Dept of Labor, as many as 1 in 5 full-time workers juggle both work and caregiving responsibilities for their children, their parents, or both.   A Pew Research Center survey found that nearly 23 million Americans work a full- or part-time job while also providing […]

Employee Retention Tax Credit

You may have received advertisements where an unknown company will get you up to $26,000 per employee. Just file with them and you will get free money from the government. Seems too good to be true? Well yes and no.   Yes, you can get up to $26,000 per employee in the form of a refundable tax credit but you should be wary about using an outside source. The Internal Revenue Service has issued a […]

The Impact of the “5 Great R’s” on the Labor Shortage 

Excerpted from The Empathy Advantage: Leading the Empowered Workforce by Heather E. McGowan and Chris Shipley. Copyright © 2023 by John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved. This book is available wherever books and e-books are sold.    THE GREAT RESET   THE GREAT RESET is a convergence of employment trends that has been decades in the making—culminating in a changed relationship between employers and the workforce. The American workforce is no longer centered on where […]

CARES Act and Student Loans 

If you have employees with student loans, there is an often overlooked benefit included in the CARES Act. Employers can contribute up to $5250.00 per year toward an employee’s student loans and it will not count as taxable income to the employee. This is a great benefit in two ways; it stretches the impact of your employee benefit dollars, and it increases the amount of untaxed money paid toward student loans (standard repayment only allows […]

Upskilling Your Employees

Transforming good workers into great workers = business success! The #1 employer complaint these days is “I can’t find good workers.” The challenge is not just finding a talented staff but, even more importantly, keeping the ones you have! In a tight labor market, retaining and engaging your existing employees saves you time and money.   Hiring VS Upskilling Costs Average cost of hiring a new employee* = $10,000 – $15,000 Average cost of upskilling […]

Want more workers? Tell Your Company Story! 

Why do I want to work for your company?    WHAT’S A COMPANY STORY?  In a tight labor market, when your company is competing for a limited number of job applicants, you want to let potential employees know why your company is worth working for!   Your “company story” is not just a history of how your company came to be, or even what it does to make money! Your company story needs to be a […]

New COVID-19 Compliance Regulation Issued by Cal/OSHA 

Effective Immediately    WHAT’S UP  On October 13th, The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) made significant changes to the state’s definition of “close contact,” and to the potential two-year extension of California’s COVID-19 regulation that all employers must implement. The CDPH changed the definition of “close contact” via an immediately effective order, which will change enforcement for both large and small workplaces in California.    […]

Form I-9 Update

Form I-9 is Expiring, but Keep Using it Anyway The current Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, will technically expire on October 31, 2022, as noted on the form. However, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) says employers should continue using the current Form I-9 after its expiration date (because a new form hasn’t been released yet). We’ll provide an update when the new version is available. Remote Form I-9 Document Inspection Flexibility Extended Until July 31, 2023 […]

Employees and Video Meetings 

Time to put the camera “on” your company handbook!  If your company has a hybrid workforce, you probably use a video platform for your company meetings. Call it the new normal! And with this new style of conducting staff business, issues have inevitably developed along the way.    THE ISSUE: Video No-Show Employees – Is “Camera Off” a Clue to an Employee’s Career Engagement?  Technical issues aside, not every employee (management included) is on board […]