
Ask HR: Can I shift workweeks to reduce overtime?

Dear HR:  We are busy, and are exploring the addition of one or possibly two shifts. We currently have a Sunday through Saturday work week, and have employees going into overtime sometimes as early as Thursday. We are wondering about having multiple work weeks with the intent of reducing overtime.   HR Answer:  There does not appear to be any wiggle room under State and Federal wage laws as far as tweaking work weeks or […]

Ask HR: Do I have to pay unapproved overtime?

Dear HR: My employee is scheduled to work eight hours per shift. They are clocking in early and staying late all the time causing several over time hours per week. Can I just pay them for the eight hours they were scheduled for each shift?   HR Answer: Under Federal and Oregon wage laws, employers are required to pay employees for all work that is ‘suffered or permitted’ to work. Even if you did not […]

Final Time, On Time

There are state rules and regulations that govern when an employee’s final check must be paid. The timelines for issuing a “final paycheck” vary based on reason why the separation occurred – whether they quit with notice, or employee was terminated, etc. Penalty for Withholding Final Wages Failing to pay any part of an employee´s final wages on time causes the compensation due to the employee to continue to rack-up— at the same regular hourly […]

Ask HR: When I terminate is a reason required?

Dear HR, Can I simply tell a problem employee that their services are no longer needed? Or should call it a lay off? Since Oregon is ‘At Will’, I really don’t want to give a reason because I’m afraid I might get sued.   HR Answer: Yes Oregon is an ‘At Will’ employment state, which means an employer or employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time without giving a reason. Although it is […]

Ask HR: Can we request PROOF for Sick Time used?

Dear HR, We have an employee, who seems to be using their accrued sick leave as quickly as they are earning it. They seem to be sick every Monday … Can we ask the specifics of the illness or demand a doctor’s note? Can we discipline or terminate for using excessive sick leave?   HR Answer: You typically have a bona fide business reason to ask questions to determine how to track absences and whether […]

Ask HR: Cell Phone Policy Help!

Dear HR, My employees seem to be on their cell phones all the time. Am I allowed to implement a policy stating that every employee must leave their cell phone in a cubby during working hours?  Breaks and lunch would not be included.   HR Answer: Yes you may implement a cell phone policy and focus should be on ‘enforcing the policy’. If you would like assistance adding new policy to your handbook, please feel […]

Measure 97 – A Very PERSonal Sales Tax

In November, voters will be asked to raise taxes on C Corporations, those taxed separately from its owners.  Measure 97 would tax corporations 2.5{0c2d428c3cefef4a77c472786cabf3d957ca1c1fde265c02f19cd1ec2d7db907} of gross sales over $25 million.  The measure would increase the state’s annual revenue by one-third, from approximately $9 billion to an estimated $12 billion. Measure 97 was designed as a revenue “cure” for Oregon’s state budget public pension/PERS shortfall.

Ask HR: Does drive time pay prevailing wage?

Dear HR, We are looking at a prevailing wage job in another city. The current rules on travel time require employees be paid the prevailing rate at the various worksites to the project. I want to confirm this does not mean they are to be paid prevailing wage while driving between sites.   HR Answer: Prevailing wage rules only require prevailing wage rates while the employee is working on the job site, so drive time […]

Ask HR: Employee admits won’t pass drug test – What’s next?

Dear HR, My new employee claims that they won’t pass the pre-employment drug test because they smoked marijuana last weekend. May I still hire them since Marijuana is now legal in Oregon?   HR Answer: Yes…No… or Maybe! An evaluation of the position’s responsibilities and safety risk… combined with your company’s DRUG TESTING policy, need to be considered. Under some circumstances employers may make exceptions to their own policies. If you would like assistance reviewing […]