HR News

SBA Loan Notice

At this time the SBA has loaned out all the money under the Payroll Protection Program. We are leaving information about this program on our web page as we understand Congress is trying to come up with more funding. If more money is appropriated, employers should review changes in benefits to the PPP, if any, as well any new requirements. Cardinal will endeavor to keep you updated.

Latest Clarifications on Applying for a “Paycheck Protection Program” Loan

THE LOAN PROGRAM IS OPERATIONAL  Implementation of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), established by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) has begun. Quite a few employers have applied to financial institutions for this loan and have been accepted into the program. Some of Cardinal’s employers have even already been approved for their PPP loans.  UPDATED CLARIFICATIONS   The Small Business Administration [SBA] is addressing some of the issues that have surfaced during […]

Paycheck Protection Program

WHAT IS IT? The Paycheck Protection Program is designed to as a short-term loan to pay for employee payroll for 2 ½ months, as well as some utilities and rent. If you keep most of your employees after that period, the loan can turn into a grant. See loan for details.  This program is designed to be a bridge to keep your employees employed during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Download program details here.  THE […]

Oregon school closures & parental sick leave

Client questions on Oregon school closures & parental sick leave – the Oregon Sick Leave Law does apply to public health emergencies! Gov. Kate Brown has announced that all K-12 public schools in the state of Oregon will be closed Monday, March 16th through Tuesday, March 31st, in an effort to slow the spread of Coronavirus. The school closure announcement comes just after Gov. Brown’s Executive Order #20-25, which prohibits large public gatherings with more […]

Oregon Labor Law covers the Coronavirus

Oregon’s sick time law specifically covers absences during a public health emergency [Allows all employees to earn and use up to 40 hours of protected sick time each year.]  It is an unlawful employment practice to discipline and/or terminate and employee for using protected sick time.   Closure of the employee’s place of business, or the school or place of care of the employee’s child, by order of a public official due to a public […]

Is COVID-19 Negatively affecting your business?

The Oregon business community has been asked to share how the current health crisis is impacting their businesses … In order to meet the threshold for federal small business assistance, Oregon businesses need to come forward and tell their story.   Please share any impacts COVID-19 and the rule changes associated with this crisis, have impacted your business. Please send your stories and examples of economic hardship to your local Chamber of Commerce.     […]

Employer Update: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Here are some “safe practices” that can help you and your employees Cardinal Services acknowledges the worry and the many questions on employers’ minds with the arrival of the Coronavirus in the Pacific Northwest. We want to share some best practices that can help you and your employees during this ongoing health challenge. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Rules on “Safe Workplace” Under OSHA, employers do have a responsibility to maintain a safe workplace, […]


New Oregon State & Fed Laws for 2020 are now in force! With employment laws rapidly changing and evolving, it is important for employers to annually review and revise their employee handbooks to ensure that their policies, practices, and procedures are compliant with federal, state, and local laws. The Hot List Does your current company handbook have the latest information on the following new Oregon laws and regulations that went into effect on January 1, […]