Employee Retention

Five Tips to Keep Your Employees Happy 

 Employee Retention Checklist  Besides competitive compensation and benefits, here are five best practices employers can embrace to keep their staff happy and keep them from looking for another job. The current labor shortage has companies competing for workers, and business owners must be aware of what their own employees want in an employer, and what motivates them to stay at their jobs.     Five Factors for Happy Employees  For the past 10 years, the Society […]

Five Tips to Keep Your Employees Happy 

Employee Retention Checklist Besides competitive compensation and benefits, here are five best practices employers can embrace to keep their staff happy and keep them from looking for another job. The current labor shortage has companies competing for workers, and business owners must be aware of what their own employees want in an employer, and what motivates them to stay at their jobs.     Five Factors for Happy Employees  For the past 10 years, the Society […]

How to set up an Employee bonus the smart way!

Did you have a good year? Rewarding your staff for a job well done is a key to retaining good employees. Why not celebrate the work you and your employees accomplished! If you’re planning on giving your employees a bonus, or thinking about it, Cardinal has important Tax information that you need to know about end of the year employee bonuses and options for how to set them up in your payroll system. IRS INFO […]

Ask HR: Can compassion override policy?

Dear HR, One of our great new hires failed to follow appropriate call-in policy before missing work.  We are aware that they had a death in the family – so we want to be kind and help our employee through this tough period, but how do we do that while still upholding our company policies and procedures?   HR Answer: Employers often find themselves competing for good employees and struggling to retain the ones they […]

Ask HR: How far for Accommodating Medical Issues?

Dear HR, My employee that has been missing A LOT of work for an extended period of time— at least one shift a week, and this is now adding up to weeks of work being missed. This is negatively affecting my business as no one is here to answer the phones or to get the front office work done. However, every time a shift is missed, my employee brings in a doctor’s note. My employee […]

Ask HR: Employee is experiencing an odd allergy.

Dear HR, My new cashier has an allergy to the scent of marijuana. There was an incident that occurred last night during an interaction with a customer. Our new employee had an extreme allergic reaction to the fragrance that was on the customer at the front counter.  How do I handle my new employee having a physical reaction to a customer– in terms of both customer service and protecting my staff?   HR Answer:             Just […]

Ask HR: Review Not helping Performance

Dear HR: My supervisor verbally talked to the employee about these issues prior to a Performance Review a few months ago. During the Review, the concerns were discussed again and the employee was given 60 days to correct her performance. According to supervisor, as of today – her 60th day, there has been no improvement. The supervisor is going to give her a written warning with an additional 30 day probation period to correct the […]

Ask HR: Poor Performing Employees

Dear HR: One of my supervisors called me about performance concerns with an employee. Evidently, these concerns have been going on for some time, and I was not informed. Please advise me on how to handle both my employee and supervisor.   HR Answer: Performance problems typically arise and fester when supervisors allow employee performance issues to accumulate. A supervisor’s responsibility is to effectively guide and re-direct employees to ensure they are meeting expectations. Oregon […]

Ask HR: Standing-desk evaluating needs vs. wants?

Dear HR: My company is working towards improving ergonomics with the goal that nearly everyone will eventually have a sit/stand desk. At this point, we provide these special desks a few at a time, as budget allows. We are currently distributing these desks in order of seniority, but we are also including anyone that has made us aware of any physical issue that would be helped by the sit/stand option. We are noticing a trend […]

Ask HR: Employee may NOT be insurable – May I terminate?

Dear HR, My employee has been bragging to co-workers about getting a speeding ticket and a cell phone ticket recently. Our company insurance policy states that: No employee between ages 18-25 shall have more than one driving infraction within three years No employee age 25 and older shall have two or more driving infractions within three years. Under our policy, my employee may no longer be insurable (for the next three years) if he really […]