Employee Screening

Ask HR: How can I screen for a lifting requirement?

Dear HR: I own a small retail shop with a warehouse full of product. My employees have to load and unload heavy boxes. I know that I can’t ask applicant’s if they have any health problems or back injuries that would prevent them from doing the heavy lifting, but  I really don’t want to hire someone who’s not physically able to do the work. How am I supposed to find out if the people I […]

Ask HR: Can we do “working interviews?”

Dear HR: We are recruiting a new chef for our restaurant. We have a reputation for having the best food in town so we need to be sure our potential new hire will be able to keep up with our fast-paced kitchen, and that their skills measure up. Can we have the top four applicants come in for an evening shift for a “working interview?”   HR Answer: Under wage and hour laws any work […]

Ask HR: Can a Car be a Job Requirement?

Dear HR: My employee is consistently late and missing work because their ex-spouse took the car. So now I need to hire another person. May I require that applicants must have a car to apply for this job?   HR Answer: You may require a car depending on the position, but ONLY if the requirement is job related. For example, if you have a job opening that requires traveling in a car throughout the workday—like […]

Ask HR: New hire’s drug test is positive – Now what?

Dear HR, Our potential new hire has tested positive for THC – do I really have to wait an entire 180 days to hire my employee that has been tested?   HR Answer: Although it is our policy to wait 180 days — since you have known the new hire for some time now and your workplace requires additional help immediately, we offer an exception clause that can be used sparingly. The new hire can sign a “Last Chance […]

Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage Hike – Part 1

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival: HIRE RIGHT One of the most important elements of employee management occurs when selecting the right employee(s). Whether you are bringing on your first employee or are looking to retain a staff of hundreds, each new hire has the potential to make your company stronger or cause you unnecessary loss of time and money. Hiring mistakes cost an average of $14,000 per employee. Hiring the right person is an […]

Efficient Time Management

Time is a precious commodity; a commodity that employers always need in abundance, but have difficulty managing efficiently. Even for the most organized business owner, there are never enough hours in the day to complete what’s on the agenda. So the solution is simple; create more available hours.   MORE HOURS IN YOUR DAY Although extending the hours in a day is not possible, you can add more available hours to your day by restructuring […]