HR News

Final Time, On Time

There are state rules and regulations that govern when an employee’s final check must be paid. The timelines for issuing a “final paycheck” vary based on reason why the separation occurred – whether they quit with notice, or employee was terminated, etc. Penalty for Withholding Final Wages Failing to pay any part of an employee´s final wages on time causes the compensation due to the employee to continue to rack-up— at the same regular hourly […]

Measure 97 – A Very PERSonal Sales Tax

In November, voters will be asked to raise taxes on C Corporations, those taxed separately from its owners.  Measure 97 would tax corporations 2.5{0c2d428c3cefef4a77c472786cabf3d957ca1c1fde265c02f19cd1ec2d7db907} of gross sales over $25 million.  The measure would increase the state’s annual revenue by one-third, from approximately $9 billion to an estimated $12 billion. Measure 97 was designed as a revenue “cure” for Oregon’s state budget public pension/PERS shortfall.

Overtime for Exempt Employees

The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has changed the overtime exempt wage test rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for some employee classifications.  To be considered an exempt employee the new yearly minimum salary level is $47,476.00.  

9 Reasons Paper Checks are Lame

Mail is slow … That is why it is called “Snail Mail”. Duh. You could be having a really fun weekend, but you wanted your paycheck mailed and didn’t arrive until after 5 p.m. on Friday so you can’t cash it until Monday. I guess you could clean your garage. Waste of Time — & Gas – Driving to the bank to wait in line to cash your check. Huge waste of time! You waste […]

Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage Hike – Part 5

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival: Employee Retention   Employees are key to the success of your business. Just think how many of your employees interact with your customers, deliver service or sell your product. Once you have taken the time and effort to hire the right people, train and actively engage them, the next step is to KEEP those good employees.

Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage Hike – Part 4

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival: Employee Performance & Engagement   Congratulations! You are well on your way to having the most cost-efficient workforce! Now that you have learned how to conquer the roadblocks of Hiring Right, Tracking Time and Attendance, and understanding the importance of Employee Training – our last couple of tips for Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage series will focus on Engaging and Retaining your staff.   With the Oregon Minimum Wage […]

Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage Hike – Part 3

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival: Employee Training With minimum wage increasing in Oregon and across the nation, it’s more important than ever to maximize your employee talent.   Ensure your business’ success by giving employees the tools and skills they need to succeed. Whether it is showing your new hires the right processes early on or offering continuing education of your existing team — training pays off!

New Overtime Exemption Rules

As expected, the United States Department of Labor has made changes to the salary threshold used to determine if an employee is exempt from overtime.  Summary of all changes Previously the minimum threshold was $455 per week. This minimum has jumped to $913 per week or $47,476 per year. There were other proposed rule changes discussed but there were no other major changes except for a mechanism to review salary thresholds every three years.

Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage Hike – Part 2

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival: TIME AND ATTENDANCE   Tracking time for your employees has never been easier. Using a time and attendance tracking system allows you to manage labor in real time and gives you the tools to measure your labor costs more effectively. These systems provide instant access for tracking attendance, managing overtime and monitoring paid/unpaid time off. Cardinal can help alleviate the burden of time and attendance tracking while reducing clerical […]

Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage Hike – Part 1

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival: HIRE RIGHT One of the most important elements of employee management occurs when selecting the right employee(s). Whether you are bringing on your first employee or are looking to retain a staff of hundreds, each new hire has the potential to make your company stronger or cause you unnecessary loss of time and money. Hiring mistakes cost an average of $14,000 per employee. Hiring the right person is an […]