Employee Retention

NEW Oregon Mandated Retirement Plan

Oregon Mandates a Retirement Plan FOR ALL EMPLOYERS In 2015, Oregon’s state legislature wanted to address Oregonians’ lack of retirement saving. Due to an alarming amount of individuals with no retirement savings, Oregon forged ahead as the first state to create a mandated retirement plan. The plan was crafted with the overall goal of giving Oregonians an easier way to save for retirement.   The legislature passed the Oregon Retirement Security Bill, HB 2960 which […]

Ask HR: Help, Employee is Repeatedly late!

Dear HR: I have an employee that is late all the time. If they are late again tomorrow, may I send them home and suspend for a day? Or will I have to pay ‘show-up’ pay? Please help!   HR Answer: Poor performers and the chronically late employee are inevitable. Try not to let issues build up to the point where you are forced into a hasty decision such as an immediate on-the-spot suspension. The […]

Are My Employees Abusing Sick Leave?

Common issues effecting employers Suspected Sick Leave Abuse It has been a year since mandatory sick leave began in Oregon. Now that the policy has been implemented and employees are starting to accumulate and use their time – knowing what your options as an employer can help reduce the misuse of sick leave and save you money.  

Surviving the Oregon Minimum Wage Hike – Part 3

Tips for Minimum Wage Hike Survival: Employee Training With minimum wage increasing in Oregon and across the nation, it’s more important than ever to maximize your employee talent.   Ensure your business’ success by giving employees the tools and skills they need to succeed. Whether it is showing your new hires the right processes early on or offering continuing education of your existing team — training pays off!

Ask HR: Reoccurring till shortages – Help me get discrepancies under control!

Dear HR, I have been noticing an employee’s register with reoccurring shortages in the $10-$15 range.  Employees start with a new balanced till at the beginning of their shift and no one else has access to the till for the remainder of the day. I do not want to fire them unnecessarily, but I need to get these discrepancies under control!     HR Answer: If you believe that the employee is making an honest mistake on their till, we recommend speaking with […]

How to Retain Your Best Employees

Employees are an often overlooked investment, one which requires regular maintenance to keep them in “good working order.” Competitive pay and benefits is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to keeping your employees engaged and satisfied in their jobs. How do you maintain your investment? Consider creating an employee retention program. Studies show that employers benefit from strong employee retention programs. An effective employee retention program saves you time and money by […]