
OregonSaves – Final Rules for Co-Employment

OregonSaves is the new savings plan employers must implement if they are not offering a qualified retirement plan to employees. The new law mandates all employers must offer employees access to a retirement savings plan. If there is only one employer, the requirements are clear. For clients who co-employ* with Cardinal Services, the new mandate had the potential to be more complex. Not to worry – Cardinal has your back! Here’s how co-employment and the […]

Ask HR: Review Not helping Performance

Dear HR: My supervisor verbally talked to the employee about these issues prior to a Performance Review a few months ago. During the Review, the concerns were discussed again and the employee was given 60 days to correct her performance. According to supervisor, as of today – her 60th day, there has been no improvement. The supervisor is going to give her a written warning with an additional 30 day probation period to correct the […]

Ask HR: Poor Performing Employees

Dear HR: One of my supervisors called me about performance concerns with an employee. Evidently, these concerns have been going on for some time, and I was not informed. Please advise me on how to handle both my employee and supervisor.   HR Answer: Performance problems typically arise and fester when supervisors allow employee performance issues to accumulate. A supervisor’s responsibility is to effectively guide and re-direct employees to ensure they are meeting expectations. Oregon […]

Ask HR: Holiday Business Hours and PTO Requests

Dear HR: We decided to give each of our staff an extra two days of paid time off (PTO) to use around the holidays this year. These two days are in addition to the 14 they normally receive to use throughout the year. This is something we have never done before, and we want to be fair to our staff. We value our staff and appreciate all their hard work this year, so we want […]

Battle Clause: Santa vs. the Establishment

Santa Claus. Some of us dress like him.  Many of us have even sat on his lap.  Almost all of us have seen him—and in the coming month, he’ll be everywhere during this time of year. He’s BIG.  He also evokes a range of emotions in our diverse culture. Some people fondly recall memories of family holiday celebrations with the big man while others are focused on the religious meaning of the holiday season.  For […]

Ask HR: Is my Employee Exempt now?

Dear HR: I am moving an employee into a full time Operation Manager’s position and the employee will no longer do any field work. I will be paying him a salary and he will be supervising three employees and be able to make recommendations on hiring and terminating employees. Does this make him an “exempt” employee now?   HR Answer: It depends upon the salary amount you intend to pay your employee. There are exemptions […]

Ask HR: Deli discipline disaster.

Dear HR: My deli cook is not documenting proper food temperatures and “use by” times for perishable food items that are sold to the public. She has failed to do it every week, and I have gone over this procedure with her multiple times. This is a major health violation and I could be liable for big fines and be shut down, putting public health and my company at risk. I have given a written […]

Implementing an Unlimited Employee PTO Policy

The Latest in Paid Time Off Trends Unlimited PTO is just as it sounds, unlimited. Of course, nothing panics supervisors or management more than the thought of employees spontaneously choosing NOT to work! Unlimited PTO should be thought of as scheduled vacation time. Time off for vacations is planned and scheduled with a supervisor’s buy-in. If the employee has to complete a project by a deadline, then their vacation is planned around that need with […]

Ask HR: Standing-desk evaluating needs vs. wants?

Dear HR: My company is working towards improving ergonomics with the goal that nearly everyone will eventually have a sit/stand desk. At this point, we provide these special desks a few at a time, as budget allows. We are currently distributing these desks in order of seniority, but we are also including anyone that has made us aware of any physical issue that would be helped by the sit/stand option. We are noticing a trend […]

Meal Times and Rest Breaks – Do you know the law?

One of the most common complaints that lead to lawsuits against employers is the lack of adequate meal and rest breaks for employees. Wage and hour laws regulate basic working conditions such as meals and rest breaks. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure supervisors are knowledgeable of these workplace wage and hour rules. Well-intentioned employers who are NOT enforcing these rules are far more likely to have an employee file an employment-related […]