Employee Handbook


New Oregon State & Fed Laws for 2020 are now in force! With employment laws rapidly changing and evolving, it is important for employers to annually review and revise their employee handbooks to ensure that their policies, practices, and procedures are compliant with federal, state, and local laws. The Hot List Does your current company handbook have the latest information on the following new Oregon laws and regulations that went into effect on January 1, […]

How Employers Can Reduce “No Call – No Show” Incidents

Nothing is more frustrating to employers, supervisors, HR managers and staff than when an employee fails to show up to work!  The immediate effects are obvious – it impacts the day’s work flow, burdens co-workers, puts extra work on the supervisor to determine cause and always, always affects the bottom line of an employer’s profits. It is easy to cast blame on the employee for not notifying the employer.  For many companies, failure to “call […]

Ask HR: Can compassion override policy?

Dear HR, One of our great new hires failed to follow appropriate call-in policy before missing work.  We are aware that they had a death in the family – so we want to be kind and help our employee through this tough period, but how do we do that while still upholding our company policies and procedures?   HR Answer: Employers often find themselves competing for good employees and struggling to retain the ones they […]

Ask HR: Employees’ work cell phones keep going “missing”

Dear HR, We keep having company cell phones “get broke or go lost” and replacing them has become costly. Can we write a policy saying that a company phone will be provided, but replacements will have to be paid for by the Employee? HR Answer, Great question! Yes, the company may have a cell phone usage policy in place – and Cardinal can assist you in writing your new policy. In addition to lost or […]

Employee Handbook vs. Procedure Manual

What is the difference between an employee handbook and a procedure manual? A separate procedural manual and an employee handbook? Seems excessive. This is a common reaction; many feel there is already too many required forms and paperwork in employing workers. Cardinal’s basic employee handbook has grown by 1.5 pages per year in the last 15 years. Due to the current level of complexity, separating out your company procedures and handbook is a necessary best […]

Ask HR: Ideas to bring in Harassment Training?

Dear HR, I want to take some precautions in our workplace to prevent harassment but I don’t have the budget to hire a trainer.  Any suggestions?   HR Answer: You are right to be proactive and take preventative steps. Fortunately, there are several free and low-cost options to train supervisors and employees. It’s critical to also be sure that you have the proper policy in place and that you know how to respond to a […]

Ask HR: Employee may NOT be insurable – May I terminate?

Dear HR, My employee has been bragging to co-workers about getting a speeding ticket and a cell phone ticket recently. Our company insurance policy states that: No employee between ages 18-25 shall have more than one driving infraction within three years No employee age 25 and older shall have two or more driving infractions within three years. Under our policy, my employee may no longer be insurable (for the next three years) if he really […]

Ask HR: How to implement dress code?

Dear HR: Spring is here –I’m wondering about implementing a company dress code before the warmer weather is here to stay. Some of my female employees show up in flip flops, tops with spaghetti straps and low cut shirts. A few male employees come in wearing casual shorts and sandals with socks. (Yes, sandals with socks!) May I require my employees to present/dress themselves in a professional manner, since we all interact with the public? […]

Ask HR: Employee showing up un-showered. What can I say?

Dear HR, My employee is showing up to work dressed in very wrinkly clothes (looks like they pulled them straight from the laundry basket), and their body odor makes my eyes water. I actually had a customer complain about it yesterday. What can I do or say?   HR Answer: Having an employee with hygiene issues can be a delicate situation. As long as you have a legitimate business reason (such as your employee interacting […]

Ask HR: Workplace conflict – Is it harassment?

Dear HR: I have two employees that just can’t seem to get along. They are always complaining about each other. Other employees have mentioned that both of them are difficult to work with due to this issue and that they are constantly complaining about each other to co-workers. Is this harassment?   HR Answer: It does not appear these statements and behaviors meet the legal definition of ‘harassment.’ Harassment is behavior directed to another because […]